Learning Center Newsletter Logo

December 2002 Issue

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A Special Invitation to the LCN Readers:

Use AccuTrack the entire Spring Semester for Free!

 It's the end of another semester and many of you will soon need to answer questions like:

bullet How many students visited our center during the past semester / year? 
bulletWhat are the demographics of these students?
bulletHow can we assess the success of our program?
bullet What were the most popular services? 
bullet How well did each tutor do? 
bulletHow do the students rate the services? 
bulletHow to allocate resources for the next semester?

AccuTrack is extending a special invitation to the LCN readers to find out the answers to the above questions the easy way!  How easy is it?  Find out yourself by using AccuTrack for the entire Spring semester for free!  As you might know, you can usually use an evaluation version of AccuTrack for 30 to 45 days.  However, through this special offer LCN readers can use AccuTrack for the entire Spring semester.  This is an incredible opportunity for you to discover the benefits of this software without any risk or obligation.  You will be able to get a complete set of reports and charts capturing the usage of your center during the entire semester.  In addition, you can use the software to simplify the daily tasks of your center including appointments scheduling and media checkouts.

Here is what you will get through this special offer:

bulletA free college-wide license of AccuTrack for the entire Spring semester.  This license allows you to install and use the software on as many computers or centers as you like and use them for the entire semester.
bulletFree customization of the software with your college or center logo.
bulletFree customization of all the reports with your college or center logo.
bulletFree technical support form the AccuTrack team via email for the entire semester.
bulletAn electronic copy of the AccuTrack Quick Start manual.  This 100 page manual explains the different benefits and modules of AccuTrack and will help you get up and running with the software quickly.
bulletAn electronic copy of the the AccuTrack Reference manual.  This 250 page detailed manual provides a thorough reference for each screen of the software.
bulletFree access to the AccuTrack support resources.

When we approve your request for this offer, we will customize the software with your logo and rush you the software via FedEx 2-day service.  A $30 fee to cover shipping and handling is required to take advantage of this offer.  You can fax a Purchase Order for this amount or pay it with a check or a credit card.

As you can imagine, we can't make an offer like this one without some restrictions, so here they are:

  1. This offer is limited to the first 10 colleges that request the free evaluation.
  2. The request must be received by January 17, 2003.
  3. You must mention your semester's start and end dates.  The software will work for at least 10 days after the end of your Spring Semester.  It will then automatically expire.  You do not need to return the CD back to us or mail anything back. 
  4. This offer is only valid to learning / academic centers in the US and Canada and subject to approval. 

To request your free Spring semester trial, fill out the form on this web page:


P. S. Hurry! The offer expires on January 17, 2003 and is only valid to the first 10 colleges that request it.  This is the first time such an offer is made and it might never be repeated again, so act quickly! 

P. P. S.  You might want to pass a copy of this offer to colleagues in other labs or colleges who can benefit from automating the tracking of their learning centers.  They will thank you for it!

To learn more about AccuTrack visit http://www.accutrack.org


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Last Modified: January 13, 2004 10:22:39 AM